After almost a year of indoor recreation the VET Sport and Recreation class managed to head out to Queenscliff for a snorkelling trip which was linked to a minimum impact and snorkelling unit of competence they were studying.
First stop was Popes Eye where students were able to refine their underwater viewing and duck diving techniques. Highlights included the large gulls nesting on the rock structures, lots of kelp and a few fish!
Second stop was Chinamans Hat, a structure which homes a large group of fur seals. We also got to meet Dottie, a massive stingray who seems to keep the Seals entertained!
Last stop was Portsea Pier, where we were able to stop a few weedy sea dragons which was a highlight of the day.
As we headed back to port the skipper let the student have some fun, including roof jumps, sitting on the cargo net and even some body drags along the side of the boat.
A wonderful day was had by all.