Alumni spotlights

Elise Dunstan
Community development co-ordinator
Shali Lingaretnam (Class of 2000), Olivia Lucisano (2010) and Tim Crisp (2001) are the first of nine alumni to be interviewed for 2023.
Broadly speaking, these recorded QnAs are intended to inform, inspire and encourage students to strive, aspire and achieve. On an individual level, they help answer a variety of student and parent questions about school, further study, employability skills, opportunities for personal growth, career development and industry insights. Shali, Head of Investment Stewardship talks about maths and encourages girls to pursue STEM, Olivia, Talent Acquisition Lead provides helpful advice for Year 10s embarking on work experience from an experienced recruiter’s perspective, and Tim, a former CEO shares his journey from studying engineering to being retired at 40!
These Spotlights can be viewed from the alumni section of the school website, and six more will be published throughout the year so, stay tuned for more!