
By Rosemary Carter
School Chaplain
Term 2 has been a fantastic 10 weeks; there have been a wide variety of programs for students to take part in. These programs have included the ANZAC day services and the Chaplaincy Dinner.
The Year 7 Peer Support Program came to a close for another year at the end of term 1. Over Semester 1 the 26 peer support leaders have worked hard to help integrate the year 7 students into high school life. The program finished with an exciting fun at the park including a colour run. The students ran laps of the oval while the Peer Support leaders covered them in coloured powder.

Chaplaincy Fundraising Dinner
Thank you to everyone who supported the dinner held on Friday 31st May 2024. 65 people attended the dinner which has raised over $6500. This goes towards the costs of employing the school chaplain. The dinner was held in the School VCE centre – an excellent location for a night of fun and celebration. On the night we were entertained by the Kew High School Jazz Band, and served by students and SRC leaders. The dinner was generously supported by the local businesses in Kew who donated thousands of dollars worth of prizes for the auction and raffle. Thank you again to everyone who helped make the dinner a huge Special thanks to the Chaplaincy Committee and Staff, and Melinda Edwards who helped cook the soup and desserts for the evening. The Dinner definitely is a wonderful evening full of music, food and community. Watch out for the event next year.

KHS remembers the ANZACS
As the chaplain I had the privilege this year to work with the student leaders to organise the Anzac Day Commemorations. On Wednesday 24th April the Captains lead the school Anzac service which was attended by the staff, students and Kew MP Jess Wilson.
If you would like to find out more about school chaplaincy or are willing to become involved with the chaplaincy committee or as a volunteer in the Secondhand Uniform and Book Shop, please contact the school chaplain.