Parents and Friends Association

QNetwork is the Parents and Friends Association of Kew High School and embraces everyone who is part of the school — parents, carers, staff and students.
The QNetwork generally meets in the second week of each term. Meeting details are announced via Compass.
Volunteer Roles
Volunteering at the School can be in a myriad of ways, and as little or as much as it suits. For those with time and flexibility, you could volunteer on a weekly or fortnightly basis e.g. at the second hand book and unfirm shop. For those who have been on committees and are good organisers and recruiters, we encourage you to join the QNetwork committee and attend meetings, typically once a month. For parents and carers who are time poor, you could help sell food and drinks in the theatre kiosk during music and performing arts events. For those with a ‘green thumb’, there is a community gardening bee organised once a term and typically on a Sunday morning. There are many areas of the school where your skills and interests can be put to good use and certainly help staff, students and the School broadly.
Volunteering is a great way to meet other parents and carers, work collaboratively with staff and students on a range of projects, and truly connect and support the School. We value your time, energy, skills and expertise, and look forward to hearing from you.
All parents and carers are welcome to attend QNetwork committee meetings which are held in Conference Room 1 at 6.30pm. The dates for 2025 meetings are:
- Wednesday 12 February
- Wednesday 12 March
- Wednesday 14 May
- Wednesday 11 June
- Wednesday 13 August
- Wednesday 10 September
- Wednesday 12 November
Register to volunteer at Kew High School
Fill in the form below to join QNetwork and identify how you would like to be involved and support Kew High School to, To register your interest in volunteering and supporting Kew High School, please fill in the form below. For questions and suggestions, please email