Principal’s message

Josie Millard
As we come to the end of term that has been full with many co-curricular activities and a huge range of learning opportunities and assessments, I would like to take the time to thank those who have committed so much to make it all happen.
Thank you to the amazing staff of Kew High School for everything they have done to make this a vibrant term. Both teaching staff and the education support staff have given of their time, and of themselves, to ensure that so many of our students have been able to find a way to connect to the school community. Through sport, music, performance and debating, students have represented their school and have engaged in their area of passion with like-minded students. Students have joined a huge range of clubs this year and the initiative of the School Captains to host a ‘Clubs Expo’ at the beginning of the year has certainly led to many, many options and increased participation. Thank you to the staff who not only give of themselves, but who ensure that it is the students who lead, who are innovative and who work to improve the school environment that they spend their days in. I do hope that you get a sense in this newsletter of the tremendous range of opportunities for students at Kew High School.
I’d also like to thank the parents and carers who have supported our school throughout Term 1. Our amazing parents on School Council provide such specialised and caring support to the Kew High School leadership team in areas such as Finance, Facilities and Policy and Risk. There is no doubt that the expertise and the time that is provided by parents allows the school leadership team to do what they know best – leading teaching and learning. Thank you to every parent and carer who attended either the Year 12, Year 9 or Year 11 Information Nights. These were well attended and it is great for the school staff to not only deliver important information to families, it is also a great opportunity for us to hear the questions from families so that we can understand what the needs of the broader community are. These have certainly been beneficial for all involved. The Year 7, 8 and 10 Information Nights are being held early in Term 2, so please do check Compass Newsfeed for details on these. Thank you to every parent who has come to the school to meet with staff this term, either to discuss learning behaviours or to talk about positive approaches; we thank you for engaging with the education of our students, knowing that it is through strong partnerships that the best outcomes occur.
Finally, I thank the students of Kew High School for making this such an amazing place to work each day. This is indeed such a great school because of its students. At the beginning of this year, I spoke to each of the year levels and told them all that, in 2023, we have high expectations of them. We expect students to work hard. We expect them to reach their potential. We expect them to engage and provide opportunities for all others to engage. They do this, and they do so with positive attitudes. Whenever I feel a little distracted with the busy-ness of the day, I walk outside and there are students who say ‘hello’ and tell me a little about themselves and their day at school. The students are uplifting.
I wish students, parents, carers and staff all the very best for a wonderful holiday break. Term 2 commences for students on Wednesday 26 April (House Athletics Carnival). I look forward to seeing everyone rested and refreshed for learning in Term 2.