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Principal’s message

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Photo above: James Morton, Owen Roberts and Jude Harris

By Josie Millard, Principal

Kew High School has much to celebrate in 2022

Firstly, I wish to congratulate the Class of 2022. This year, in the VCE, 9% of Kew High School students achieved an ATAR over 95 and 37% of our students were ranked in the top 20% of the state with an ATAR over 80. This is in a school which prides itself on our non-selective, inclusive enrolment policy. We are most proud of the achievements of all students.

We congratulate the Dux of 2022, James Morton who gained an outstanding ATAR of 98.95 This year James studied English (37), Chemistry (43) Mathematical Methods (45) Specialist Mathematics (41) and Physics (45). In 2021 James studied Physical Education (40). James’ achievement is outstanding. He was the winner of the ADF Future Innovators Award and is absolutely looking forward to the freedom and creativity he will be afforded in his university studies in engineering and commerce. It is important to note that James was a key member of the Peer Tutoring program throughout the year. The program was an initiative of the 2022 Student Leaders and James offered to tutor in four subjects. Needless to say, he was a sought after tutor. It is these qualities that truly reflect the values of our school.

James Morton, Kew High School Dux 2022

This year, I also wish to particularly acknowledge all students and staff who worked together to create a caring and supportive environment whilst at the same time maintaining expectations of excellence for every single VCE student. There is no doubt that our wellbeing team, and our Senior School team have worked tirelessly to ensure that the impact of the past few years has not limited choice, resilience or tenacity for your students. In 2022, only 6 students chose not to receive a score for their VCE. To those many students who considered this option, but who were able to maintain their focus on their studies, often in the face of significant adversity – I most sincerely congratulate you. We know that you have completed your studies with the knowledge that you are indeed resilient and capable. I hope that now you know, you can do anything!

Kew High School VCE top achievers 2022. From left to right: Jane Thornton (Assistant Principal), Sean Stockman, Junhyeon Kim, Mike Grech, Uyen Pham, James Morton, Holly Pigford, Eleanor Hobbs, Seraya Brain (Senior School co-ordinator) and Cherise Kipleel.

Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships

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by Louise Bates

Volleyball Success!

Kew High School recently entered 11 teams into the Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships which was held at MSCA from Sunday 27th to Wednesday 30th of November.

Congratulations to all the students who participated and to all the coaches to were apart of such a successful event. 

Well done to the following teams who won medals:
Gold – U17 Boys, U15 Girls
Silver – U17 Girls, U16 Boys, U14 Boys
Bronze – U16 Girls, U15 Boys

Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships
Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships
Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships
Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships
Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships
Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships
Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships
Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships
Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships
Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships
Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships
Victorian Junior Volleyball Championships


Year 11 Geography

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By Stephen Barrett

Year 11 Geography students have been studying tourism as part of their Unit 2 course. They had the opportunity to undertake fieldwork, looking especially at safety and accessibility of laneway tourism in Melbourne CBD. The City of Melbourne were keen to promote a new street art project known as ‘Flash Forward’, where 40 underused alleyways are provided to artists to rejuvenate, along with 40 mini-concerts within these laneways. The creative director spoke to the students about why tourists are particularly interested in street art and laneway culture, and guided students to investigate each of the artworks in different laneways. Students then visited major laneways and tourist hotspots within the CBD to determine the safety and accessibility of each laneway for tourists with mobility challenges. They used an app-based survey tool known as Survey123 which allowed for detailed data analysis once back in the class. The students also interviewed visitors to Melbourne’s laneways to glean their views about street art and laneway culture. Many thanks to Will Creagh for assisting on the day. All in all, it was a terrific day out for Year 11 Geography students.

Congratulations Owen!

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by Paul and Julie Roberts

Owen has had a big year in sports.

He came back on the weekend having been away for a week competing for Team Vic in Athletics. He was one of over 700 athletes from around Australia competing in various sports at the Special Olympics National Games. The games are held every four years and this year it was in Launceston.

Owen competed as one of the elite M1 group in the 800 metre run where he came 5th, and thereby being the 5th fastest in Australia for that distance. He scored bronzes in the 200m and the 4 x 200m relay and a silver in the 400m. While he was at it he scored a few PBs.

The event is well supported, with the Launceston City Council and the Tasmanian State Government hosting the event this time around. The Special Olympics started with an Opening Ceremony opened by Bill Shorten, minister for the NDIS. The games were officially closed by the Governor General.

Owen’s sporting achievements weren’t only in athletics. In August he represented Kew High School in Alpine Slalom skiing at the Interschools skiing competition held each year at Mt. Buller.

He held the banner high at the Opening Ceremony and was proud to have the KHS flag there amongst all the other school flags beside the course. He scored a silver. We couldn’t get him to the Nationals in Perisher NSW, even though he qualified by virtue of his efforts at Mt. Buller.

Student Spotlight: Owen Roberts

by Stuart Crawford

This year is Owen’s last year at Kew after being a valued member of the school community for a number of years. He’s personally raised large sums of money through his efforts in The World’s Greatest Shave, performed in this year’s school musical, as well as flying the flag proudly for Kew High in a number of elite sporting meets all around Australia. This year he was a proud member of Team Victoria, taking part in the National Special Olympic Games in Launceston. I sat down with Owen earlier this term and had a conversation regarding his successes on the sporting field. Here are the best bits!

CRAWFORD: Hi Owen. Thanks for talking to also me today. You’ve had a big year this year. Not just because you’re in Year 12 but because you’ve taken part in a number of sporting events

OWEN: Yep, that’s right

CRAWFORD: Let’s talk about these medals. There are a number of them around your neck. In fact, there are so many I think I heard you walking down the hall before I saw you! Can I ask about them? These are national medals, right?

OWEN: Yep, correct. Competing against all the people in Australia. Lots of good runners.

CRAWFORD: What did you get them for?

OWEN: Fifth, 800 metres. Two Bronze. One for 400 metres and one for relay.

CRAWFORD: Let’s talk about the big silver one. What did you win that for?

OWEN: 200 metres (Owen raises his eyebrows repeatedly at this point)

CRAWFORD: Impressive. But I also believe that you won another silver. But it wasn’t on the track it was up on a mountain?

OWEN: Ah yes mountains. Skiing. In 2017, 2018, 2019 and in 2022. Mt Buller.

CRAWFORD: You’ve been competing in the school comps for a number of years with great success. I believe you have been skiing from a young age.

OWEN: Three

CRAWFORD: Three years old? Wow. No wonder you got another silver this year for the Slalom! What do you prefer the snow or the track?

OWEN: Track. You hear people screaming ‘Go Owen run!’

CRAWFORD: Well I think that might be one of the secrets to your success, you have a very supportive family who have worked with you to achieve your best over the years. That brings me to my next question. What sports apart from skiing did you play when you were younger?

OWEN: Ah yes. Bellevue Primary. Kick a footy at the MCG. So many crowds

CRAWFORD: The MCG! You played Auskick, right? (Owen nods) No wonder you like the roar of the crowds! You’ve obviously had a hand in a number of sports. What is your favourite sport to watch?

OWEN: I like AFL

CRAWFORD: Who is a sports person that inspires you? Is it an AFL player or someone from another code?

OWEN: Usain Bolt. Fastest man alive! (Owen replicates Usain’s victory gesture)

CRAWFORD: Perhaps you have a bit in common with Usain. It’s hard to progress in a sport without training hard. What is your training regime like?

OWEN: Ah yes, training. A personal trainer. Running, I do pushups, 100 push ups

CRAWFORD: One hundred? I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who wish they could do that! Anything else?

OWEN: I crack the neck (he demonstrates)

CRAWFORD: (Laughs) I like a little theatrics on the sporting field. But I honestly think that the training is another one of your little secrets that has contributed to your success. Do you think it makes a difference?

OWEN: Yep, more confident.

CRAWFORD: Let’s get back to the nationals to finish up. It’s my understanding that your achievements are pretty special.

OWEN: Ah yeah

CRAWFORD: I believe that it is very unusual for a downs syndrome runner to achieve the ranking and times that you have. In fact, you are one of the best on record for your age group.

OWEN: True

CRAWFORD: That’s pretty amazing. Something you should be really proud of. I have to ask you – what do you believe is the reason for this? What is your secret?

OWEN: (Smiling) Oddball

CRAWFORD: Oddball?

OWEN: Lots of eggs. Eggs on toast for breakfast

CRAWFORD: (Laughing) Eggs, supportive family and training. What a recipe! Thanks for taking the time to speak to me Owen, it’s been a pleasure. Best of luck for your future endeavours.

OWEN: Thank you!

Garden program

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By Phillip Naughton, School Gardener

The main work has been to attend weeding, pruning and trimming shrubs and completing the mulching of the Burke Road native garden. The Jacaranda Perennial Garden continues to mature with lots of flowers progressing through the Spring into Summer. A nursery of plants is now located at the back of the library; many of these will be used in the gardens next year.

The main project this term has been the construction of a new garden bed in the car park. This will be quite a challenge as the ground is very compacted. The garden is being constructed with recycled materials, compost made at KHS, and donated mulch and plants. This minimal cost project is being installed with the help of the new team, Landscape Lads Mark IV, Henry, Toby, Jerry and Flynn. The garden has been fertilised, composted and mulched.

Next year we will plant the Car Park Garden, continue to restore the War Memorial Garden next to the Jacaranda Garden and the theatre garden will be rejuvenated.

We have been supported by Ms Elise Dunstan who has put a lot of planning and work into fostering  interest in the school environment from students, staff and volunteers. A highlight was the visit by horticulturist Michael Casey, with a presentation to the year 12 Geography class followed by a lunchtime session for the school community.

Physics Fun: The Van de Graaff

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By Mia Hendley, Year 9

What a fun touching the big metal globe through which the current was passing through. My teacher assured me that we won’t get electrocuted and she was right. I got the courage to touch the metal globe and then what I felt was that current was ging through my legs and arms. Soon the whole class was able to see my hair flying up in air – Yes I developed a lot of static charge which was enough to give a small shock to my friend with a contact of a finger tip. I really loved the experiment – FUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!


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By Sam Gleeson

Term 4 began with a heavy training block for our Year 11 boys as they prepared for the National Futsal Titles in Queensland. The Year 9s and 10s students – along with the Year 11 girls’ team all gave up their lunchtimes to assist with training, tactics and match simulation to ensure the Year 11s were prepared. The team finished third in the Under 19s tournament and represented the school with distinction playing a physical and attacking brand of futsal in the humid conditions. 

In November, Football Victoria ran a Futsal Gala Day at La Trobe Sports Stadium to provide an opportunity for Year 7, 8 and 9 students from state schools across Victoria to compete against each other. Kew High entered five teams and each team performed admirably across the day with many teams finishing the day undefeated. A big thanks to our Year 11 students who gave up a study day during the exam period to coach the teams and provide support and guidance.

Off the back of last term’s Kew Premier League for Year 9-12 students, this term saw the same tournament for Year 7 and 8s on the main soccer pitch. Students created their own squads with eight teams playing matches during recesses and lunchtimes across three weeks. The tournament culminated with the Grand Final, which saw a clash between two Year 8 teams in front of a massive crowd. Ultimately, it was Petros, Thomas, Radin, Martin, Zac and Leon winning a hard-fought and tense clash 1-0. A massive thank you to all the students who competed throughout the tournament as well as everyone who attended and created a great atmosphere.

A Closing Note from Musicland

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By Judy Bartosy

Term 4 saw Musicland gearing up for one of our biggest productions of the year: Presentation Night.

Due to lockdown, our junior students and their families had not been to Presentation Night at the Melbourne Town Hall and so the night was met with great anticipation. It was indeed a celebration of the school and a joyous occasion. The orchestra was in fine form and played a mix of Classical and modern pieces, including an arrangement from the soundtrack of the popular movie: How To Train Your Dragon. The Year 12 Music class, Senior Jazz Band and Stage Band also gave very entertaining performances and the choir lead the singing of the anthem.

Q UP, our annual end of year concert, featured a number of smaller ensembles as well as large groups.

We watched the final round of Kew’s Got Talent and celebrated the many talents on show this year, especially the year 12 bands who put a lot of energy and effort into their performances during the year participating in all four of these events.

We welcomed the new year 7 students into Musicland on their orientation day. Part of this day was a music demonstration and performance which included students giving demonstrations on their instruments and speaking about the music programme.

After an unsettled previous year it was really nice to settle back into the swing of performing and watching the enthusiasm of the students and audiences as we unleashed our usual mix of presentations and concerts.

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