Sports report

Elisa Catanzariti
Leader of Sport
Matty Hoy and Alex Wallis
Sport Captains
Term 1 has been a massive term of Sport at Kew this year with two house events: interschool sports for all year levels (including some Region events) and the start of a new lunchtime club. Here is an update.
House Swimming Carnival
On February 13th, we had our House Swimming Carnival held at Boroondara Sports Complex. Despite cooler weather, students were keen to participate and try their best in a range of events and distances, with our biathlon event proving to be a popular choice. Students that finished 1st or 2nd in their events were eligible to participate in Division Swimming.
Cotham House were the winners for the day.

Division Swimming
On March 14th, students from Kew High School participated in Division Swimming against the other schools within our division. Students gave it their best and represented the school well, with a number of students finishing within the top 3 of their events that they participated in. Well done to the swimmers that won races and progressed through to Region swimming.
Special congratulations to Mayan Bhaskar (Year 11) who broke the Division record in 2 events: 12-20s 100m Butterfly and the 17s 50m Butterfly!
Region Swimming
Well done to Mayan B and Athan L on representing Kew High School at Region Swimming. Both did their absolute best whilst they represented our school well and should be proud of their efforts!

House Cross Country
Congratulations to all students that participated and gave it their best in our House Cross Country on Wednesday afternoon! The results are in and Barker House was our winning house in what was a close race!

Interschool Sport
This term gave students the opportunity to participate in Baseball, Basketball (Years 7 and 8), Cricket, Softball, Tennis or Volleyball (Senior and Intermediate) against the other schools in our division. Participation levels were high with most sports sending out the maximum number of teams possible.
Congratulations to the Senior Boys and Girls Volleyball teams, Year 7 Boys Basketball and Year 8 Boys Tennis team for qualifying for Region competitions by winning the Division day. The Senior Boys and Girls Volleyball teams have since won Region Volleyball and will both progress through to State in May.

Badminton Club
Starting this term and continuing onwards, there is Badminton Club running on Friday during lunchtimes. There will be a range of opportunities for those at varying skill levels, with the option to play matches and to receive assistance and improve their skills. In the future there may be events such as tournaments run with this club. We’ve had a great turn out so far so we’d love to see you all down there.