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Student leadership
Student leaders 2024

At Kew High School, we are committed to ensuring that students at all year levels have the opportunity to actively participate in meaningful leadership roles. Leadership positions are clearly defined and carry significant responsibility. Students are supported in their positions through training and development offered by senior students, internal staff and external providers. Various processes are taken into account when appointing student leaders: a written application, interview, speech to peers, student vote, staff vote, and student record.
In addition to the practical elements of these leadership roles, such as the organising of house and other school events, student leaders play a key role in supporting the school’s culture, through modelling school values and promoting the student voice.
Students are encouraged to represent their peers and contribute to discussions regarding school policy by becoming a House Captain (eight from each year level). House Captains in the Junior, Middle and Senior Sub-Schools provide a link between Sub-School and Year Level Coordinators and the student body. Captains meet regularly with Coordinators to discuss issues and undertake planning of presentations for year level assemblies, which they often co-facilitate with Coordinators.
The Year 12 Leadership Executive is comprised of the two School Captains and the Year 12 House Captains. A key part of the Executive’s role is to build school pride and house spirit, and to foster a strong sense of school connection among the student body. The Year 12 Leadership Executive meets regularly and oversees the organisation and implementation of all house-based sport, cultural, and community events and initiatives within the school. They mentor and work with House Captains in Years 7–11, setting up multi-level teams to support their projects.
Leadership Executive representatives also attend School Council meetings, and have the opportunity to provide student commentary on policy issues relating to areas of student concern.
Year 12 Specialist Leaders have specific portfolios in the areas of:
- Art
- Debating
- Drama
- Environment
- International students
- Media
- Music
- Social justice
- Sport
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
They work with staff mentors and liaise with the Year 12 Leadership Executive to lead a range of student committees and initiate activities relevant to their portfolios. Projects run by Year 12 Specialist Leaders include Clean Up Australia, Kew’s Got Talent, Cultural Diversity Week, Science Week, and Mental Health Week. A local, national and international focus is encouraged, to raise student consciousness of the world around them and the challenges that face many communities.