VCE International Students

Congratulations to VCE International Students on completing Semester 1 successfully!
Junling Yang
Following the enthusiasm for the Swimming Day in Term 1, VCE International Students continued to savour the opportunities of involving themselves in the school activities in Term 2. Athletics Day and Senior Sports Day were hugely enjoyed by our students, competing on the field or courts. For those who chose to study instead on those days, they had a productive day at school. When the 4th state lockdown started, our students switched swiftly to the online mode, just like the rest of the school. They all agreed that online learning was not as effective as onsite-learning, but this time they were more experienced and they learned the lessons from last year! It is very gratifying to watch our students blossom as they grow in their confidence and connectedness with the school. We celebrated yet another extraordinary Semester 1 with a festive Dragon Boat lunch package with our students. This year’s Dragon Boat Festival fell on the 14th of June, coincidently a public holiday in Victoria. It is an occasion widely celebrated in many Asian countries, including our students home countries such as China, Viet Nam and South Korea.